Thanks for visiting our website! Our goal is to be the go-to place for all Alberta craft beer and brewery information.
We are 100% Albertan. In fact we are the ONLY site of this nature to be able to boast that everyone involved lives and works in Albetra
and that this website was made in Alberta and 100% maintained by Albertans, without outsourcing to other regions!
We intend to use all of our resources to support Alberta businesses in every way possible.
Notre petite favorite à la brasserie ;) Le nom de la ville de Munich (dérivé de Munichen) se traduit en anglais comme “by the monk” (donc Des Moines). Cette lager allemande traditionelle est, selon nous, une des meilleures bières pour les pairings bouffe! Avec un faible taux de sucre lui amenant une petite rondeur et une finale sur la baguette française, elle est tout aussi désaltérante. A brewery favourite ;) The name Munich was taken from the word Munichen, meaning “by the monk” (therefore, Des Moines). This traditional german lager is, if you ask us, one of the better food pairing beers out there. With very low residual sugar rounding things out and notes of french baguette, this beer is just as much a thirst quencher.
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Canada's craft breweries deserve a nationwide platform—let's make it happen!
Through its founder has helped Alberta's breweries thrive, and now it's time to bring this support-local movement to all of Canada.
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