Thanks for visiting our website! Our goal is to be the go-to place for all Alberta craft beer and brewery information.
We are 100% Albertan. In fact we are the ONLY site of this nature to be able to boast that everyone involved lives and works in Albetra
and that this website was made in Alberta and 100% maintained by Albertans, without outsourcing to other regions!
We intend to use all of our resources to support Alberta businesses in every way possible.
Riche et élégante, cette bière dorée au goût raffiné, plusieurs fois championne internationale, propose des notes céréalières, fruitées et épicées soutenues par une douce amertume.
Elle est un hommage au Québec, terre d’accueil des explorateurs français du 16e siècle qui croyaient avoir atteint la fin du monde.
This rich and sophisticated golden tripel has earned several international titles thanks to its refined taste marked by notes of grains, fruit and spice, supported by a slight bitterness.
It is a tribute to Quebec, the land encountered by 16th-century French explorers who thought they’d reached the end of the world.