Our meticulous adherence to ridiculous hyperrationality sometimes requires a forced counterbalance. 18th Century neo-romantic era Germanic literature references seem like a fitting escape from the confines of rationality in the context of this contemporary period in North American history. Why not focus on an exploration of fervent individualism with a philosophical emotional slant, while assessing the inherent basis of good and evil? These ties seemed fitting when our inspiration for this blend comes from the mountainous alpine regions of Europe. The elderberry, while not a sweet berry, adds a depth and maturity to mixed fermentation blends unlike any other fruit. Anyone tasting an elderberry can attest to the irrational nature of the use of this fruit, because at undiluted concentrations, it is exceptionally unpalatable. However, when used in conjunction with our chosen blend, the romanticism can be found. We don’t know what irrational natural humanism tastes like, but this is what we imagine when we entertain the thought. These Elderberries journeyed from Austria to make their way to your glass. We recommend a cozy evening with Goethe while imbibing. Enjoy!