Thanks for visiting our website! Our goal is to be the go-to place for all Alberta craft beer and brewery information.
We are 100% Albertan. In fact we are the ONLY site of this nature to be able to boast that everyone involved lives and works in Albetra
and that this website was made in Alberta and 100% maintained by Albertans, without outsourcing to other regions!
We intend to use all of our resources to support Alberta businesses in every way possible.
En 2022, nous avons été témoins de l'invasion totale de l'Ukraine par la Russie. Deux ans plus tard, le conflit continue de s'intensifier, pourtant un semblant de normalité prévaut dangereusement. "It’s no ok" est notre cri d'alerte. créée en collaboration avec la brasserie ukrainienne TEN MEN. Cette bière sert de rappel à tous que les réalités de la guerre ne devraient jamais être banalisées. Les ventes de cette bière aident les victimes de guerre, affirmant que ces réalités ne sont pas “okey”
Back in 2022 we witnessed the full Russian invasion of Ukraine. Two years on, the conflict continues, yet a sense of normalcy dangerously prevails. Beer “It's Not OK” is our call to consciousness. It is made in collaboration with Ukraine Brewery TEN MEN. It serves as a reminder that the realities of war should never be trivialized or ignored. Profit from the beer supports a relief fund for victims, underscoring our message that war realities are, indeed, not ok.
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