Thanks for visiting our website! Our goal is to be the go-to place for all Alberta craft beer and brewery information.
We are 100% Albertan. In fact we are the ONLY site of this nature to be able to boast that everyone involved lives and works in Albetra
and that this website was made in Alberta and 100% maintained by Albertans, without outsourcing to other regions!
We intend to use all of our resources to support Alberta businesses in every way possible.
Bière aux arômes herbacés et fruités avec des esters de pêches subtils. Les saveurs sont toutes en douceur: maltées, briochées, fruitées, herbacées, citronnées et des notes de thé noir et de pêches. L’amertume est moins prononcée que les IPA américaines.
Beer with herbaceous and fruity aromas with subtle peach esters. The flavors are all smooth: malty, brioche, fruity, grassy, lemony and hints of black tea and peaches. The bitterness is less pronounced than American IPAs.