For Cabin and Sea Change’s second collaboration beer, our scent-curious brewers set out to explore how the bright notes of fruit-forward, light roast coffee intersected with the citrus hop notes of a west coast pale ale. The result is Sure Shot West Coast Pale Ale (5.5%) and is liquid proof that high quality coffee can be so much more than just a dank, dark pick-me-up. We used Rwandan Golden Hour beans from Calgary’s Rosso Coffee Roasters, with notes of lemon, brown sugar and Darjeeling tea. Cold brew was added to the beer as it fermented, before it was run through dry, whole beans for a touch more aroma. It pours a tantalizing orange hue, with floral aromas of orange marmalade, lime blossom and bergamot blooming from the glass. It’s tough to tell where the cold brew citrus notes end and the west coast hop aromas begin. This beer is extremely limited and won’t around for long, so be sure to give it a shot while you can. Malt: Pilsner, flaked oats, red wheat Hops: Centennial, Amarillo, Citra Yeast: Cali Ale Coffee: Rosso Golden Hour