EBC:40 SRM:20,3 L’Ambrée des 3 Brasseurs est brassée avec un mélange de malts pâles et spéciaux qui lui confère sa coloration. Cette tonalité, alliée à une fine amertume, en fait une bière équilibrée, moelleuse et fraîche. // The Amber is brewed with a blend of pale and specialty malts which creates its distinctive colour. This medley creates a mild bitterness, making for a well-balanced, smooth and fresh beer. Top-fermentation provides a complex aroma of higher alcohols and esters, making the amber round and full-bodied. Its colour and a light touch of caramel on the palette are the result of malts which are kilned – a drying process done at high temperatures. The dense, creamy head comes from naturally occurring proteins in the malts.